
Background. Lexemes for the designation of colors act as a unique language material that reflects the collective experience of humanity and ethnicity. In a poetic text, such units are expressions of the author’s style. Purpose: to characterize the peculiarities of language expression of realities related to the color black in Oleksii Dovhiy’s poetic myth. Taking into account the nature of the use of linguistic units in the poet’s contexts, the author of the article considers the realities associated with the color black as components of the mythologeme of the color black. The task: to consider the grammatical, semantic, stylistic, individual-author’s characteristics of using the language units denoting the realities associated with the described mythologeme. Methods. general scientific methods (descriptive with analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, classification and systematization); special linguistic methods (conceptual analysis, lingual and poetic analysis). Results. the conducted research showed that the poet uses nominations to denote black realities in order to actualize a number of author’s images and motifs related to the native land, the beauty of the Ukrainian woman and destructive realities. Language units, which denote the color black, act as markers of the pathogenic locus – death, war, bloodshed and the chthonic image of the crow. Conclusions. the author made a number of theoretical generalizations about the role of linguistic means in the process of representing the poet’s creative idea, features of the worldview of his lyrical hero. The author of the article considers the phenomenon of the poetic text as a special verbal rhythmic form, which acts as an expression of the most ancient human ideas about the world. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the study of the peculiarities of the language expression of the mythologeme of the color black in Oleksii Dovhiy’s poetry will allow us to draw a conclusion about the character of the modern individual-author’s representation of Ukrainians worldview. The article emphasizes the special function of linguistic units that denote the realities associated with the color black in Oleksii Dovhiy’s poetic texts. The analyzed units were grouped according to their grammatical characteristics, structure and semantics. The researcher emphasizes the active use of structurally complex units that have several roots. Such lexemes, in his opinion, allow the poet to introduce several associative semantic fields into the text, connected not with one word, but with several, which powerfully enriches the figurative system of the text and reveals the individual author’s linguistic worldview.

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