
Цель исследования – оценка эффективности проходящих на базе музеев занятий для студентов вузов. Материалами явилисьработы социологов и педагогов, а также результаты проведенного автором социологического опроса. Использованы методы анкетирования, контент-анализа и интерпретации данных. Изучены опыт проведения и выводы трех исследований, посвященных аналогичным темам; определены эффективные методологические характеристики каждого из них; отмечены аспекты, требующие дополнения. Автором проведено собственное социологическое исследование в форме опроса студентов для оценки эффективности сотрудничества музеев и вузов. Все это позволило заключить, что занятия в музее в значительной степени расширяют кругозор студентов, улучшают их способность к осмыслению и анализу различных проблем, развивают навыки работы с информацией, усиливают вовлеченность в педагогический процесс. Такой результат дает основание для расширения программ образовательной коллаборации музеев и вузов. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of conducting classes for university students held in museums. The materials for the study were the works of Russian and foreign educators and sociologists, as well as data from a a sociological survey of students conducted by the author. The research methodological tools were the questionnaire method, content analysis, as well as data analysis and interpretation methods. The questionnaire developed for research purposes is based on the methodology of S. L. Troyanskaya and is adapted to measure general cultural and professional indicators of federal state standards of higher education. The experience and conclusions of three studies on similar topics are analyzed: research by S.L. Troyanskaya (development of the general cultural competence of students through the inclusion of the museum in the educational process); research by L.M. Avdeeva (professional education of students of a pedagogical university in a university museum), and research at Leicester University (Great Britain) and the Research Centre forMuseums and Galleries (identifying museum and school collaboration results). Effective methodological characteristics of each of the studies are identified, and a number of aspects requiring additions are noted. Based on preliminary theoretical research, the author conducted her own sociological study in order to assess the effectiveness of cultural and educational cooperation between museums and universities. In the course of this study, a survey was conducted among students of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the International University in Moscow, whose classes were held in the museum. Students majored in the areas of natural science and the humanities. The questions in the questionnaire recorded the students’ states before and after learning in the museum. Most students noted that the results of classes in the museum broadened their horizons, improved their ability to comprehend and analyze problems, skills in working with information (perception, assessment, comparison, and use in the educational process and future practical activities). Approximately 80% of the students surveyed noted their greater involvement in the pedagogical process compared to classroom activities. The results of the study indicate that the space of the museum, its sociocultural atmosphere, scientific and informational potential transform and enhance students’ perceptions of general cultural and professional information. This provides the basis for expanding programs of mutually beneficial cooperation between museums and universities.

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