
The article focuses on the fact that, taking into account the dynamics of population growth in the world, climate changes, natural disasters, irrational use of nature, significant anthropo-technogenic load on the hydrosphere, in the near future humanity will experience a gradual increase in the shortage of water resources, thanks to which the functioning of the economy and the satisfaction of the needs of the population are ensured in quality drinking water.The purpose of the article is to assess the possibilities of expanding Ukrainian-Swiss cooperation in the management of water resources in the conditions of climate change and significant anthropogenic load, and to develop directions for improving water resources management to ensure the country's water security, taking into account the influence of factors that cause the depletion of water resources.Effectively form and implement programs of economic, ecological and social development are capable only of those countries that conduct effective biopolitics, the basic parameters of which are the proper water supply of the population. Due to the growing anthropogenic load on water resources, their total volume in Ukraine is gradually decreasing, and the quality may deteriorate. Under suchconditions, not only the preservation of water resources, but also the formation of a strategic water supply becomes particularly important.Systematized factors causing the depletion of water resources and the reduction of supplies of high-quality drinking water. An assessment of the provision of water resources in Ukraine and Switzer-land was carried out, as well as the peculiarities of their integrated management in these countries. The possibilities of introducing the Swiss experience of water use and water resources management into domestic practice are assessedIn order to solve the problems of preserving water resources and maintaining the water security of the country according to the Swiss model, Ukraine needs joint actions of the authorities, business and the public, which will allow the formation of a national water resources management strategy, a clear divi-sion of responsibility for financing tasks in the field of water supply between state and local authorities.It is necessary to constantly monitor the technical condition and capacities of water management facilities, take into account the needs of the population for high-quality drinking water in the regions of the country as much as possible, and protect water resources from depletion and pollution.

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