
The article reveals the essence of modern standards in the process of future training of preschool education specialists, their principles and main tasks in the process of implementation, with the aim of reviewing the importance of training pedagogical personnel for this system from the point of view of the latest requirements of society. Attention is focused on the organization of the educational process in the preschool education institution taking into account the following approaches: activity, integrative, interactive and competence approaches to the training of future educators of preschool children. The relevance of educational and professional training in higher educational institutions is determined, which involves the formation of the future teacher as a person who is characterized by humanity, spirituality, creativity, who possesses the professional knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for work in a preschool institution. The content of university training must meet the following requirements: the priority of national and universal spiritual values; organic connection of special courses with national culture, history, traditions of the Ukrainian people; formation of students' needs and abilities for cognition; the formation of criterial foundations of a scientific outlook, which ensures the priority of man and his values; the scientific and secular nature of social and humanitarian disciplines, the independence of their teaching from political parties, public and religious organizations; democratization of the system of teaching disciplines, students' freedom of choice of forms of classes and educational courses; continuous system of higher pedagogical education: pre-university, university, post-university. The need for such training of the future specialist of the preschool education institution is substantiated, which requires him to develop a number of competencies that are necessary precisely in this difficult time for everyone and are caused by crisis situations and corresponding actions in wartime conditions. Key words: standard, preschool education, teacher training.

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