
The article reflects the essence, structure and problem of forming the self-educational competence. The “self-education competence of the future teacher of labor education and technologies” is defined as the quality of the teacher’s personality, characterized by the ability and readiness for the continuous self-education during studying and in the process of professional activity. It is marked that the peculiarity of self-educational competence is forming on the basis of gaining an experience of independent attempts and achievements in self-education, developing its own individual learning system, moving from copying the self-education samples to creating its own model, adding self-education to the student’s lifestyle. The attetion is accented on the development of self-educational competence of the future teachers of labor education and technology, because this specialty requires the constant professionalism, as it directly depends on the multifaceted knowledge, skills and abilities, which in turn are connected with the constantly changing technologies. The research considers the functions of self-educational competence of the teacher (motivational, developmental, educational, cognitive, methodological, informative, diagnostic-prognostic, communicative, reflexive, adaptive and interactive). The author reveals the theoretical and practical skills that the future teachers of technology have to possess in organizing their own activities. It is also educed that the effectiveness of forming the self-education competence of future teachers of labor education and technology largely depends on informational support of the educational process. The using of advanced information and communication technologies makes it possible to intensify the students’ independent activity and thus increase the level of development of self-education competence.

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