
In nuclear power stations, the measurement of radioactive iodine(181I) concentration in the atmosphere is necessary for keeping health of employees. The 131I concentration is so low that specific adsorption method and measurements are needed.This report describes the minimum detection limit of radioactive iodine monitor which uses silver-impregnated alumina. This monitor is composed of a collector which concentrates iodine gas, an exchanger which exchanges the collectors automatically, and NaI(Tl) scintillation counter which measures 131I activity. The collector contains silver-impregnated almina.The removal efficiency of iodine collector for methyl iodide in this monitor is more than 95% when relative humidity is 60%. Total detection efficiency for 131I is 12%. The minimum detectable concentration is 7.5×10-11μCi/cm3 for 1h sampling period.

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