
The loss of SELF-uniqueness as a propaganda element in the language of Soviet journalism The article describes the process of planned influence on people’s psyche by means of verbal manipulation, propaganda tactics taken from advertising tradition, as well as its various forms aimed at controlling consumer awareness in the Soviet reality of the 1930s and 1940s. A comprehensive methodological approach was used in the study, combining various methods (inductive and deductive as well as descriptive and interpretative). The study has proved that the tendentious and trite model of suggestive advertising texts as a combination of propaganda goals and consumer information, rejectingany creativity and individuality, caused the destruction of social consciousness and dehumanization of a man enslaved by the Soviet totalitarian system. The paper shows political Russification activities aimed at the destruction of the Ukrainian nation, emphasizing the description of the linguistic genocide situation. It has been observed that Ukrainian intellectuals’ attitude towards the Ukrainian culture and language was not always responsible. Negative effects of the mechanisms creating a new social unit, indifferent to the cultural property and art of their own nation, as well as constituting a new mythology have been noticed. It has been found that some of the then Ukrainian activists saw an opportunity to counter the influence of the Soviet propaganda in the restitution of SELF-uniqueness, national awareness and return to national cultural traditions. The conducted analysis has also revealed the quasi-polemical nature the language of Soviet journalism, which designed a parallel reality.

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