
The results of the functioning of banks of various types of ownership show that one of the main components of their successful development is the professionalism and motivation of the bank employees themselves. To achieve a defined goal, work incentives should be a systematic, purposeful influence on a person or group of people in order to motivate them to increase working activity and improve job performance. The incentive system itself should be determined for banks based on its capabilities, goals and level of professionalism of managers. Depending on the banks ownership type, the issue of motivation and stimulation of professional activity of employees has its own characteristics, and the approach to creating an effective system of motivation and incentives should take into account many factors, most of which are constantly changing. The analysis of the functioning of collectively owned banks showed a number of shortcomings in the system of motivation and stimulation of professional activity of employees. The following possible problems of motivation and stimulation of staff in the collectively owned bank are identified: lack of individual approach to training and promotion, low salary, uneven workload during the day, lack of self-realization, protectionism in career advancement. These shortcomings directly affect the efficiency of collectively owned banks. Taking into account the identified shortcomings in the article, recommendations were developed to increase the efficiency of the incentive system for collectively owned banks staff. The system of staff motivation should be aimed at improving business efficiency by increasing employee productivity. Properly selected "motivation package" should be individual in nature and take into account, if possible, the needs of each employee. Considerable attention should be paid to employee learning, involvement in trainings and round tables, business trips in other countries for experience exchange. In addition, it is necessary to increase the financial incentive of employees. The introduction of the proposed measures in the collectively owned banks is an effective and efficient tool.

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