
Abstract 논문투고일:2013년 06월 20일 논문수정완료일:2014년 03월 08일 논문게재확정일:2014년 03월 12일*이 논문은 2013년도 성신여자대학교 학술연구조성비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.** 성신여자대학교 경영학과 조교수, 제1저자This study investigates the impact of Internet Banking Systems on the business performance of bank. Although Internet Banking Systems were introduced about 15 years ago in Korea, there were few studies which evidenced the relationship between Internet Banking Systems and the performan ce of banks. For this empirical investigation, this study collected the panel data of 13 domestic banks over 8.5 ye ars and divided the dataset into two parts-the first half period (2003~2007) and the second half period (2008~2011) in order to examine the dynamic changes in the impact of Internet Banking Systems. The fixed-effects panel reg ression results were different in the two parts of dataset. Internet Banking Systems showed only cost-efficiency impact in the first half period. However, in the second half period, Internet Banking Systems showed positive impact on the bank pro fitability. Moreover, the dummy variable regarding local bank showed no additional impact on this result, implying that the impact of Internet Banking Systems was still significant for the local banks. The results will deliver manag erial interpretation on the value of Internet Banking Systems and additional implication on the strategic planning of Interne t Banking Systems for many domestic banks.

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