
Educational activity can be considered as a set of business processes because it has become possible to put it on the stream and, thus, to provide the mass education necessary for the development of society. However, there is still a need to solve the problem of finding the optimal combination of forms and technologies of learning, which allows to optimize the educational process and reduce the cost of its organization. One of the possible solutions is educational marketing, which is able to ensure the effectiveness of higher education institution at the present stage. The existence and development of a higher education institution depends directly on the number of students, which in turn depends on the success of the educational institution's marketing activities. As a result, the complementary relationship between marketing and financial activities is inherent for all businesses. The formation of a modern integrated marketing information model of a higher education institution allows it to be applied to solve a number of problems in the market of educational services and successfully compete with other universities. Its use will not only systematize the work of the educational institution in the field of attracting university entrants, but will also facilitate the integration of marketing information systems, the use of which will allow to optimize the educational strategy of the educational institution. All this makes it possible to conclude that the research in the field of marketing of higher education institutions remains highly relevant. Understanding the essence of marketing of educational services is a prerequisite for the development of an effective set of marketing activities for universities and the success of their activities. The current market for educational services requires higher education institutions to continuously improve their activities: the continuous development of new technologies (distance learning), the expansion of cooperation with foreign educational institutions (Bologna system), the development of additional training courses, the preparation and promotion of participation in professional conferences. Therefore, the concept of marketing educational services is to create a product that meets the needs of today and takes into account the requirements of future generations based on the introduction of world science and innovative learning technologies.

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