
The purpose of this work is to establish the cases and factors that affect the determination of rights to land plots under apartment buildings and to establish the basic requirements and to improve the content of the relevant land management documentation with “maximum” consideration of the existing norms of current regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and “minimal” changes to them. Method. Allotment of land plots of apartment buildings residential areas is important both for the residents of these buildings and for local self-government bodies, especially in large settlements with existing dense buildings. These works are accompanied by the use of a significant number of regulatory and legal acts of Ukraine, in which there are some inconsistencies regarding the right to use such a plot of land and the content of the relevant land management documentation. Taking into account who owns the apartment buildings, three options are defined for allocating land plots for private ownership, permanent use or rent. The results. Methodical approaches have been developed that make it possible to divide all apartment buildings into three groups depending on who owns them. Taking into account the established properties of apartment buildings, proposals were developed for determining the right to use the relevant land plots, simplifying the requirements for relevant land management documentation, and establishing objective information for calculating rent. The proposed approaches can be used in all cities of Ukraine. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The presented research results provide an opportunity to determine methodical approaches to establishing rights to the adjacent territory of an apartment building and to specify the content of the relevant land management documentation. Taking into account the above proposals will simplify and, at the same time, improve the implementation of such works with land management and improve the filling of city budgets.

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