
Introduction.The article considers the es-sence of the competence approach to teaching primary school students. The article highlights the views of well-known Ukrainian scholars on the modern terminological field of a competent approach to teaching pupils general secondary educational institutions. It is established that under the competence approach in education it is advisa-ble to understand the orientation of the educational pro-cess to the formation hierarchically subordinated system of key, general subject and subject competences in pupils.The publication presents the structural-functional rela-tionship between the cross-cutting content lines, key, subject competences and their cross-cutting skills in im-plementing a competent approach to teaching primary pupils in New Ukrainian School. The priority of the development of subject competences in the implementation of the competence approach to teaching primary pupils is shown. It is concluded that the purpose of primary education in modern conditions is the comprehensive development of the child's personality in accordance with its age and individual psychophysiological characteristics and cogni-tive needs, the formation of cultural and moral and ethical values, mastery of key and subject competencies and cross-cutting skills, necessary life and social skills. to life in a democratic and information society and continuing education in primary school. Achieving this goal are cross-cutting content lines in primary school, which involve the development of children of junior classes socially signifi-cant cross-curricular topics that contribute to the formation of their notions of society as a whole, develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Cross-cutting content lines are an effective means of integrating basic and general subject competencies, subjects and subject cycles in pri-mary education.

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