
The results of studies of the quality of grass raw materials for harvesting hay obtained on a long-term hayfield by mowing over the past 5 years (2017–2021) are presented. The quality of herbal raw materials is estimated by the content of crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, crude ash, the content of metabolic energy in 1 kg of dry matter, feed units, digestible protein in 1 feed unit in accordance with GOST. The quality of feed depends on the prevailing weather conditions during the development of vegetation and the provision of soil with nutrients. In years with unfavorable weather conditions for the development of plants on the option without fertilizers (control), the resulting feed is characterized as extracurricular, under normal conditions – the first and second class of quality. With sufficient provision of the soil with nutrients through the use of mineral fertilizers, the feed in terms of crude protein, fiber and metabolic energy in dry matter belongs to the first class of quality.

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