
Introduction. The article considers and analyzes the issue of urban regulation in the field of cultural heritage protection of the Republic of Tajikistan. A review of monument protection legislation and principles of public administration, as well as the role of cultural heritage in the life of the people of the republic. The national features of discovery, research, accounting, protection, preservation and use of cultural heritage monuments in the Republic of Tajikistan are highlighted. Formulation of the problem. Every country in the world strives to protect and preserve its national cultural heritage as effectively as possible. In the legislation of the vast majority of countries of the world, cultural heritage monuments are divided into three categories: local, national and international (global, world) significance (UNESCO monuments). The latter are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List by the relevant decision of the said international organization. There are as many countries in the world as there are practices for the protection of their own cultural heritage, its preservation, use and promotion. In addition, the aspect of urban planning regulation in the field of cultural heritage protection is extremely important, as cities are constantly being built, changed and developed. Therefore, it is necessary to build a balanced and reasonable state policy on this issue in order to create conditions for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage monuments, as well as to ensure the construction of new buildings. The emphasis should be on the harmonious existence of both monuments and new buildings. In our opinion, the moment of combining the preservation of our own rich cultural heritage with the development of the cities of the Republic of Tajikistan is very interesting. Objective. To analyze the urban planning regulation in the field of cultural heritage protection of the Republic of Tajikistan. The research methodology is based on a system of theoretical principles (systematics, historicism, objectivity, etc.), logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, hypothesis, etc.) and specific research tools that allowed to highlight the aspect of urban planning in the field of cultural heritage protection of the Republic of Tajikistan. The main results of the research are the study, analysis, generalization and systematization of the basics of national monument protection legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as consideration of the regulation of its urban planning activities. The scientific novelty of the study results of the article is to analyze the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of cultural heritage protection and compliance of urban planning of the republic with these standards. Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. Today in the Republic of Tajikistan the role and importance of urban planning is growing significantly. This is due to increased growth of modern construction activity, development of cities and settlements, improvement of infrastructure, construction and reconstruction of the capital and cities, improvement of urban development and environmental conditions, as well as perfection of legal zoning of district planning. Therefore, the right approach, support and further ensuring the sustainable functioning of cities and settlements of the Republic of Tajikistan is a strategic objective of state development. Thus, the primary task of public authorities, specialized institutions and public organizations in the field of culture of the Republic of Tajikistan is the preservation and effective use of cultural heritage monuments and their involvement in the field of socio-cultural activities and tourism.

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