
A project is aimed at the development of models, algorithms and a program complex to carry out measures for safety increase and risk decrease during development of new nuclear power plants (NPP) and operation of working nuclear power ones. A basic novelty of the project is the development of a methodical apparatus for the estimate a radiation risk at NPP in case of the most dangerous (beyond-design) failures with the emission of origins of thermal neurons with the low density of a flow. 
 Atomic piles based on the use of fission energy of heavy nuclei fission are powerful sources of gamma and neuron radiation. The project is aimed at the computer modeling and development of new methods, algorithms and a program complex for the problem solution in the estimate of safety and risks at NPPs at the most dangerous (beyond-design) failures with the emission of thermal neurons sources with the low density of a flow. To realize the project it is necessary to develop a methodical approach to the solution of problems in the estimate of doses of external and internal irradiation and the estimate of damage for the population living around NPPs at the most dangerous (beyond-design failures with the emission of thermal neurons sources with the low density of a flow taking into account a population age structure. On the basis of these solutions there will be offered measures to decrease a risk and safety increase NPP safety.

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