
One of the most perfect ways to spread the seeds of weeds is the transfer of fruits and seeds by wind (anemohoria). Such powerful perennial types of weeds as the Syrian woolblast - Asclepius siriaca L. and the currant pink - Cirsium arvense L. also use anemochoria to spread its offspring to new territories. The aim of the research was : To carry out in 2015-2018 the estimation of the intensity of the processes of seed and fruit dispersal with anemon-species species of perennial weeds on the arable land of the Kyiv region. Methods and conditions for conducting research . The studies were field-based. They were performed in the laboratory of herbology at the Institute of Bioenergetic Cultures and Sugar Beet NAN. For researches among a large number of anemohorous weed species, the Syriac wafer and thistle rose were chosen. The calculations of the intensity of the processes of scattering and translocation of seeds of anemofor species of weeds were carried out within 20 days of the time they were reached and started to be separated by airflows (leaflet opening or opening of baskets with seeds on weed plants). On the determined scheme of experiments distances from model plants certain types of weeds: 16; 32; 64; 125; 250; 500; 1000m set up catching tables (an area of 0.25m2 each). At each distance, 4 hatching tables were displayed. Their total surface area is 1m2. Experiments were carried out in 4 repetitions. The obtained results were analyzed over the years and the general laws were determined and statistically processed and generalized. Results and discussion As a result of the recorded records, the distribution of seeds of Syriac waders found that at a distance of up to 16 m from maternal plants an average of 16.31 units was recorded for 20 days. seed / m 2 . At a distance of 1000 meters from the place of formation of seeds on maternal plants, the number of weed seeds per m 2 , which occupied the surface of the field decreased to 0.004 st/m 2 . Compared with the indicators at the first distance (16m), the intensity of the arrival of seeds of the Syrian driller per unit area of the field decreased 4077.5 times. Investigation of the peculiarities of the distribution of pinkish-thistle seeds was found on the tables, which were located at a distance of 16 m from maternal weed plants, an average of 31.54 st/m 2 of weed seeds was recorded. At a distance of 500 meters from the mother plants, the level of settling of arable land with thistle seeds rose to 0,028 st/m 2 . At a distance of 1000 meters from the mother plants, the area occupied by the seeds of thistle rose was 0.006 seeds/m 2 or 5256.7 times less than the presence of seeds at a distance of 16 meters. Conclusions . The presence of specific adaptations in the fruits and seeds that provides them with high sailing, allows the flow of air to successfully translate and populate such perennial species of weeds large areas. Even at a distance of 1000 m from the mother plants for each m 2 of the surface of the field comes from 0.004 to 0.006 seeds of such dangerous and highly competitive types of weeds.

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