
Abstract The purpose of this research, paying attention on the exaggerated advertisements on online sport media, was to investigate the illegality of the article typed advertisement of online sport media. The results of this research were as follows; First, the article typed advertisements are the assets of the media company as other articles or advertisements. Second, the persons of capacity to act are defined with sport online media, advertiser and customers. Third, the exaggerated advertisements of the sport online media and advertiser are regulated by Korean legal system. Fourth, when victims occurred, the rights of claim for damages could be activated based on the article 750 of the Korean Civil Law. Fifth, the liability for damages may be imposed by Korean Civil Law to the sport online media restrictively.Key Words :Online Media, Article typed advertisements, False advertisements, Exaggerated Advertisement, LegalApproach Received 31 March 2016, Revised 29 April 2016Accepted 20 May 2016, Published 28 May 2016Corresponding Author: Ho-Young Hwhag(Kong National University)Email: hyhwang@kongju.ac.krⒸThe Society of Digital Policy & Management. All rightsreserved. This is an open-access article distributed under theterms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-CommercialLicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0), whichpermits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work isI SN: 1738- 9 6 properly cited.

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