Introduction. The studies of recent years have been actively demonstrating the possibility of using additional sensory afferentation in ensuring the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. The organization of sensory visual effects can significantly change the functional state of the human cardiovascular system, mainly under the effect of compensatory shifts of its wave manifestations, which may become an important direction of the prophylactic medicine in the context of an increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases. Purpose. To characterize the current state of scientific ideas about the influence of sensory afferents on the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the organism as a whole. Methods. The analysis of special scientific literature,that considered the physiological mechanisms of sensory afferentation on the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Results . Sensory effects promote the optimization of cardiac rhythm regulation, enhance coordination of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve emotional state and psychophysiological functions. Originality . The literature review of modern scientific publications due to the influence of sensory afferentation on the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the organism in general is presented in this article. Conclusions . The tension of the regulatory mechanisms of the organism, which is reflected in the changes in the tone of the autonomic nervous system, in particular, the results of central hemodynamics and their wave structure, can serve as a prognostic criterion for the development of pathology in the future. Physiological effects and mechanisms of the influence of various sensory stimulation on the functional state of the human organism have been insufficiently studied, and there is no scientific foundation for choosing qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sensory influences, its’ duration and purpose of the use, and also taking into account the peculiarities of human biological features .
The studies of recent years have been actively demonstrating the possibility of using additional sensory afferentation in ensuring the optimal functioning
The organization of sensory visual effects can significantly change the functional state of the human cardiovascular system
which may become an important direction of the prophylactic medicine in the context
The studies of recent years have been actively demonstrating the possibility of using additional sensory afferentation in ensuring the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole. Згідно з загальноприйнятими фізіологічними уявленнями динаміку функціонального стану організму та ступінь напруженості регуляторних процесів слід оцінювати за параметрами серцево-судинної, центральної та автономної нервової систем як чутливих індикаторів адаптації [4]. Маляренко міжсенсорні взаємодії в значній мірі визначають функціональний стан організму [8]. Останнім часом спостерігається підвищений інтерес до вивчення ефектів впливу різноманітних сенсорних подразнень на функціональний стан організму.
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