
This article presents globalization as a historical phenomenon and the next stage of social development. The question of one-sidedness of the description of this phenomenon by researchers is raised: for instance, «westernization», «liberalization», «neo-modernization», «neo-colonization» . In modern times the global clash of interests was called «religious wars», «clash of civilization». In fact, we see an attempt to solve the problem of harmonization in the world order, the process of which is taking place against the background of contradictory phenomena. One of the contradictions of the globalization era described in this article is social problems. If in the previous historical stages social contradictions were put in a number of domestic problems, today they are manifested on a planetary scale. For example, one of the causes of religious extremism can be regarded as a manifestation of social protest of a global nature. The article also discusses the history of the formation of the «globalization» concept, opinion of scientists in the interpretation of this concept: a number of researchers pay attention to the economic component, others to the social-political aspects (influence of the western way of life, culture, world view and politics) of this phenomenon. In conclusion, despite a number of negative factors the globalization is defined as a more progressive stage of historical development. In future the global problems could be resolved through the achievements of globalization which requires awareness of the interdependence and interconnectedness of all mankind.

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