
Today, unsecured consumer lending is one of the main elements of the credit market in devel-oped countries. The growth of its popularity in developed countries is due to both the increase in the volume of such loans by banking institutions and the simultaneous growth of the population's demand for unsecured consumer loans.The article analyzes and compares the indicators of the volume of unsecured consumer lending in Ukraine and Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. This analysis is relevant because most of the countries of Eastern Europe are fullmembers of the European Union with a developed economy and banking sys-tem. The indicators of unsecured lending of other developed countries -the USA and Germany -were also given for comparison. The total amount of unsecured consumers in the banking system and the amount of unsecured consumer loans per person were chosen as indicators for comparing countries.In addition, the article provides a definition of unsecured consumer lending. The main ad-vantages of the development of unsecured consumer lending for the growth of the country's national economy are highlighted and described. The reasons for the growing popularity of unsecured consum-er lending in developed countries were investigated and characterized.The conducted analysis made it possible to conclude that Ukraine is in the last place in terms of unsecured consumer lending in its region and significantly lags behind not only the most developed countries, but also all the countries of Eastern Europe, except for Moldova. This situation is connected both with the insufficiency of total bank assets for the expansion of unsecured consumer lending, and with the fact that any lending still remains a rather risky activity and banks are forced to set strict re-quirements for potential borrowers.

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