
The main features of the Russian national character are analyzed, which allow expanding the horizons and range of humanitarian knowledge, contributing to the formation and strengthening of national culture in modern society. The factors that determined the specifics of the Russian national character formation are considered, among which dialectics stands out. The necessity of orientation of modern socio-economic transformations in the formation of the worldview and mentality of the Russian people is substantiated. The Russian character is examined in the symbols and markers of the national ethnic group, familiarity with which reflects one of the principles of the cultural description of the Russian language – the inclusion of maximum information that helps to reveal the cultural originality of the Russian language, representing the linguistic picture of the world. The dialectical nature of the features of the Russian national character is substantiated, which is reflected in the popular consciousness and traditional culture. This factor is not sufficiently reflected in the educational description of factual material in textbooks for universities and schools of secondary general education with Russian and other languages of instruction. Cultural knowledge as components of the Russian value system should be formed in the human mind and help supplement existing knowledge about the Russian language, national culture, Russian morality, which constitute the Russian value system, which generally contributes to the formation of such a stable concept as “Russian character”.

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