
The article substantiates the importance of the implementation of the project for the introduction of methods for the development of oil fields based on the use of electromagnetic field energy to solve the problems of socio-economic development of Bashkortostan Republic in the conditions of the current state of the oil industry in the region. The author identifies the dependence of the socio-economic development of the republic on the state of the oil industry, identifies its key problematic points: low oil recoverability in the fields, as well as a high level of waterlogging of the extracted oil. The possibilities of covering the deposits of Bashkortostan Republic, suitable for the development of residual oil reserves, with electromagnetic technologies are determined. The conclusion is formulated about the expediency of introducing electromagnetic technologies in the deposits of Bashkortostan Republic in order to support the socio-economic development of the region. The results of the work can be used in the analysis of the prospects of regions with the predominant development of the oil production and refining complex. Further research may be devoted to assessing the immediate and delayed effects of the application of the considered and other innovative technologies in regions with a developed mining infrastructure. The study made it possible to formulate a number of conclusions: 1. The oil industry in Bashkortostan Republic is key for the socio-economic development of the region with various results of functioning: employment coverage, tax, investment aspects, etc. In addition, the oil-producing complex has a significant indirect impact on the socio-economic development. 2. Systematic reduction of oil production in the region leads to underutilization of its refining capacity, which is not compensated by oil coming from outside. The mining technologies currently used will not allow it to maintain an acceptable level in the future. The introduction of electromagnetic technology in depleted fields and, especially, in deposits of high-viscosity oil will allow to obtain significant volumes of oil in the near future. 3. The key effects of the introduction of electromagnetic oil production technologies for the socio-economic development of Bashkortostan Republic are the creation of jobs, expansion of the tax base, additional dividend payments and additional loading of existing refining capacities.

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