
Today's idea of the living environment is inextricably linked with the high-tech development of the construction industry, the result of which is the creation and transformation of areas into a spatial system of comfortable living and successful business. Innovative development of the construction complex involves the implementation of national, regional, sectoral and corporate innovation programs and projects, the development of innovation potential and innovation culture of enterprises in the industry. Currently, Ukraine faces the task of modernizing the national economy and its transition to an innovative path of development. One of the most important sectors of the economy is the construction industry, which also needs innovation and technological re-equipment. Creation and introduction of innovative technologies in construction, new building materials, management systems of innovative activity will allow to modernize a building complex that in turn will promote increase of rates of economic growth of our country. Despite the development and use of new technologies, the construction industry is slow and reluctant to respond to innovation. One of the factors hindering the innovative development of the construction industry is conservatism in relation to the introduction of innovations. The article considers the main directions of innovative development of construction, the theoretical foundations of innovations in construction, analyzes the state of the construction industry of Ukraine over the past five years. The main advantages and disadvantages of the construction industry are identified, the innovations used in construction are considered, the problems that hinder the innovative development of the construction industry are highlighted. It is established that the development and implementation of innovative technologies, materials, systems are conditioned by the need to solve problems of modern construction, which affect the development and improvement of the entire construction industry and increase the economic growth of the construction industry. For successful activity and innovative development of construction enterprises it is necessary to create such conditions that promote further implementation of innovations.

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