
The use of adaptive learning systems is a modern trend that is used to improve the quality of teaching. However, for the most part, the issue of WEB training is being considered, while the issue of adapting simulator training is given less attention. This article presents the results of an analysis of research related to adaptive learning systems. Also, the conceptual apparatus of the adaptive approach to learning was analyzed, and concepts such as adaptability and individual activity strategies with respect to air traffic control operators were defined. Then, the expediency and urgency of improving the simulator training system for air traffic control operators was substantiated by using individualization and adaptive processes. Models and methods of individualization in general studies on adaptive learning, studies on adaptive learning of operators of complex systems, in particular in studies on the training of air traffic control operators, were considered. The main condition under which it is possible to develop an adaptive training system based on the air traffic control operators training system is the availability of such interrelated components as the system model, the user model and the method of forming individual activity strategies. The model of the system should contain the parameters of the complexity of the training exercises, the criteria for evaluating the results of their implementation and the interconnected information flows within the system. In turn, the user model should contain data on the results of the training exercises during the entire training course. The method of forming an individual approach describes the process of creating individual strategies of activity. These strategies must take into account the features of the system model and user model. An approximate algorithm was considered that allows to create an effective system of adaptive learning on the basis of the existing system of simulator training. This algorithm includes the development of criteria for evaluating the performance of training exercises, as well as the parameters of the complexity of the exercises. Also, in accordance with the conclusions drawn, the task was set for further study of the possibility of improving the training of air traffic control operators.

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