
In the given article the author undertakes an attempt to make a rigorous definition of mental sedentariness and nomadism, which are considered here as oppositions, with the aid of «home» and «road» images. The author suggests a rigorous and weighted approach to working with the existential choices problems, an absence of which leads either to being disoriented and apathetic towards existential issues or to making premature decisions after interpreting them incorrectly. Working in the selected frames leads to the elimination of the vagueness, however, it becomes more and more visible that even total intensification of sedentariness and nomadism will not provide us with a desired existential condition, which means that the latter must be found somewhere else. Aside from that, when some complexities, related with the assumption that an existence should completely stay in one of the mentioned conditions, arise, the author suggest to eliminate the opposition between sedentariness and nomadism and switch the attention to the domain, where they coincide. Some ontological (unspecified «leap» notion, absence of the original condition) and ethical (distorted ethical ideal from the viewpoint of pure sedentariness and pure nomadism) problems are eventually fixed, and, finally, the author makes the case for the particular variant of solving the problem.

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