
UDC 338.46:378:[330.117:330.161]; JEL Classification: I230The purpose of the study is to identify major stakeholders in higher education, to find ways of effective interaction with one of the most important categories - "student", with the aim of establishing and maintaining long-term relationships for the introduction of fundamentally new opportunities, which in the future will create modern business environment and increase a competitive status status of a higher education institution. Methodology of research. The following general scientific and specific research methods and techniques were used: generalization and abstraction methods in order to identify the essence of the main stakeholders in the educational services market, to identify categories of stakeholders and to describe the essence of these categories; analysis and synthesis methods in order to form the ways of interaction with students of generation Z and develop of variants of realization of these interactions. Findings. During the study of the market for educational services, key stakeholders of the University were identified and groups of stakeholders, students and research staff, were analyzed. It has been determined that in order to interact more effectively with students of Generation Z, it is necessary to introduce such learning methods that will be understood and, above all, will interest students, namely: the establishment of distance courses, micro-lessons, interaction with social networks, gamification, video materials, personalization of educational programs and others. Originality. As a result of the research, a scheme of interaction of categories of stakeholders with higher education institution was proposed. The interrelation between key stakeholders - students and teaching staff - was revealed, which made it possible to clarify the characterization of a contemporary portrait of a student of generation Z. Practical value is that methodological approaches, theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations can be used in the process of forming modern business environment of higher education institutions, and they will allow to balance the interests of key stakeholders by reducing the gaps in their interests.

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