
November 24, 2017 suddenly the life of Nikolay Petrovich Fetiskin, the famous and authoritative Russian psychologist, ended. V. A. Mazilov, the psychologist and his closest friend, shares his memories and experiences, involuntarily assesses the life path of N. P. Fetiskin, his personality, scientiic research, organizational, pedagogical and publishing activities. N. P. Fetiskin is a man with a broad soul, ebullient energy, sociable and cheerful, appreciating the life in all its manifestations, a caring friend and family man, easy on the rise, ready to help even strangers. N. P. Fetiskin's field of research interests is diverse: methodology and history of psychology, psychophysiology, psychology of emotions, labor psychology, social psychology, organizational psychology, pedagogical psychology, family psychology, ethnopsychology, sports psychology, legal psychology, gender psychology, stress psychology, acmeology, deviantology, addiction psychology, psychodiagnos-tics, psychological publicism, etc. Throughout his life, N. P. Fetiskin mastered new horizons of science, conducted innovative research, brought up a large number of scientific disciples. Under his direction, the scientiic collectives worked successfully, what is relected in a large number of publications. N. P. Fetiskin's departure from the life is a grievous loss for the family, friends, fellow scientists, this is a great loss for Russian psychology.

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