
UDC 338.242; JEL Classification : М14 Purpose − to study the essence, determine the conceptual content and justify the need to introduce social responsibility in the educational system as a necessary prerequisite for its competitive stability in the global educational space. Methodology of research . The theoretical and methodological basis are the basic laws of functioning of market economy, works of leading domestic and foreign scientists-economists, in which the social responsibility is considered in the context of ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions through partnerships education- business-society. Methods of generalization and abstraction were used. Method of analysis and synthesis was used. Findings . During its evolution the social responsibility goes through a number of stages of development and emerges as an innovative vector in the activity not only of Ukraine's business, but also of the educational process, in particular in institutions of higher education. The social responsibility of a higher education institution is an additional (outside of educational services) socially-oriented commitments that: are based on ethical and legal standards, which contribute to the development of the internal and external environment; take into account the strategic interests of the “education-business-society” stakeholders, which, in turn, are responsible for the socio-economic consequences of their activity. Originality . In this paper the feasibility of integrating social responsibility into a system of higher education, as a component of manifestation and formation of stakeholder relations (“education-business-society”) is substantiated theoretically. Acting as a kind of innovative vector for the development of higher education the social responsibility should contribute to the acquisition of a high level of not only traditional professional competences (educational and research component), but also innovatively oriented and special entrepreneurial abilities of applicants. The practical relevance lies in the substantiated conceptual framework for the goal of social responsibility of higher education institutions, which can be used to develop and implement of specific strategic measures which are aimed to generate sustainable competitive advantages of the latter and use them as a tool for ensuring the innovative and socio-economic development of partnerships “education-business-society” relations.

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