
The object of the article is medical terminology, its subject is modeling thesaurus of Ukrainian medical terminology. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate lexical and semantic word-formative processes of formation of medical terminology and secondary nomination by borrowing and terminologization. Such notions as «medical term», «medical terminology», «micro terminological system of a sublanguage of stomatology» are presented here. The language units functioning in a specialized micro terminological system of terminology are analyzed. The author examines the lexical and semantic word-formative processes in medical terminology including inter-systemic borrowings of lexemes due to both the integration of knowledge and borrowings of terms from different scientific areas and borrowings of foreign lexemes and terminological elements from a language to a language. Investigating the given examples of the units of micro terminological system of stomatology and stomatological nanotechnologies the author comes to a conclusion that many stomatological terms borrowed from other adjoining sciences have been subject to terminologization and transterminologization, the phenomenon of transition of a term from one terminological system into another one where there can be seen their changing, reunderstanding and fixation of a strictly professional meaning

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