
The constant further training of teachers is considered as an obvious and integral part of their professional career. The reasons that lead to this speeding – up of the organization of the continuous further training of teachers are connected with the fastest scientific developments and the consequent demerit of knowledge they bring about as well as the various educational and social changes which demand from the teacher constant scientific awareness and equivalent professional sensitization. The first efforts for a further training of teachers in our country appeared in the end of 19th century and had to do with the personnel of the Primary Education, while soon this extended also to the teachers of Secondary Education. The results of the issue became evident in the beginning of the 20th century when the longest – lived institution in the history of Secondary Education was founded; the so called “Didaskalion of Secondary Education”. A brief route in the history of further training had the “Paedagogiki Akadimia” (Teachers’ Training College) which together with the “Maraslio Didaskalio”, destined for the further education of teachers of Primary Education, consisted the real interest of the users of demotic language for further training of teachers. Within the bounds of a more general reformation of the Greek educational reality which started after 1974 belongs the Foundation of the Centre of Educational Studies and Further Training (K.E.M.E.) which worked for ten years and then it was substituted by the Pedagogical Institute (&..). Within the bounds of the function of K.E.M.E. was founded the School of Further Training of Secondary School Teachers (.)..) which substantially contributed to the first effort of organization of systematic programmes for further training to Secondary school teachers. Despite the fact that .).. was founded in many prefectures the number of teachers educated was small. After 1981 a dialogue started concerning a new educational policy which had as a result the legislation of a new institution which was the Peripheral Educational Centres (&.. .). &.. . offered further training to teachers who were going to be appointed to schools. The Peripheral Educational Centres continue to offer training of a small duration, at the beginning of each school year, to teachers who have already been appointed (introductory training). Examining the further training as a procedure which concerns the needs of a developing educational system but the needs of the teachers who work and are developed in this system as well, in comparison to the prevalent situation in our country, we end up to the acceptance of a series of conclusions as : The Peripheral Educational Centres (&.. .) consist simple carriers of materialization of educational programmes without affording mechanisms of investigation and writing down the educational needs of the teachers. Independently of the quality of the programmes offered, it is not objectively possible the variation of their context to cover all the educational needs of the teachers. The information of the educational society on the targets and the content of the educational reformation does not finish within some hours of educational activities which take place in the area of &.. . The presence of teachers in the area of &.. . has negative consequences in the function of schools and in their personal lives as well since they are obliged to move all the time. These findings in their biggest part consisted also a personal ascertainment due to the writer’s involvement to the introductory training of teachers which took place in the Peripheral Educational Centre of Kavala during the school years 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. It is the same school year in which the Environment of distance training of teachers of Theological Studies was applied.

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