
He article discusses the relevance of the psychotherapeutic«update» of collective fears in network communications. This is considered by us as a way of easing the tension of the asthenic states of communities - despondency, anomie, loneliness, rejection, social hatred, anxiety, aggression. The author contrasts the concept of struggle collective fears with the idea of a different nature of the tasks of their therapy. Collective fears cannot be eliminated, but they can be transformed by reducing their impact on the overall level of resentment in society.The paper describes empirical material - texts of online discussions on the social network Facebook, analyzed using content analysis; the developed model of the experiment to identify collective fears and their transformation is presented. A criterion is proposed that determines the necessity and possibility of script implantation in a given discussion. Such a criterion is the ternary or binary potential in the discussion. The «implant» is based on the statements of the communicants themselves, and not brought in from the outside.Using the example of the analysis of communication in three online discussions, the author shows various models of communication and the possibility of constructing and implementing the text - «implant».The author makes a conclusion about the forms of expression of collective fears in online discussions such as threats, insults, gazlayting; generalizes the assumption about the possibility of script implantation in various discussions; the algorithm of the procedure for modeling the experiment to identify and transform the collective insurance of socially dangerous network communication.

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