
The arsenal of methodological means of studying such a legal phenomenon as a legal entity, of course, requires expansion, the search for solid theoretical foundations, the development, first of all, of a universal conceptual apparatus. One of the significant theoretical aspects that are the subject of scientific discussion is the legal status of a legal entity - the subject of administrative tort legal relations. The article substantiates the possibility and practical necessity of differentiating the legal status of a legal entity and its legal status already as a legal entity participating in real procedural relations aimed at the implementation of the relevant substantive rules of law in connection with the emergence of a certain legal fact, was made a conclusion about the legitimacy of the use of the concept of «administrative delinquency» in relation to the legal status of legal entities. In the course of the study, the authors use a combination of the dialectical general scientific method of cognition with the particular scientific ones characteristic of research in the field of jurisprudence: comparative legal, technical legal, formal logical. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors propose a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the study of the delineation of the concepts of legal status and legal status of a legal entity brought to administrative responsibility. As a result of the study, the authors formulated proposals aimed at improving the legislation on administrative offenses, showing the importance of differentiating the concepts of «legal status» and «legal status», «subject of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses» and «participant in proceedings in cases of administrative offenses».

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