
The research was conducted during 2010–2017 in the park areas of Poltava: Poltava city park, Peremoha Park, Corpus garden, Petrovsky Park, the park named after I.P. Kotlyarevsky, the park of the Botanical Garden of the Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, the park of the regional hospital named after M.V. Sklifosovsky, the park of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Berezovy Square. The meadow fraction of the park flora of Poltava includes 322 plant species. The leading part in the composition of the studied flora belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, which number 231 representatives (71,7% of the total number of all species), while annuals and annuals -biennials together constitute 21,5% of the entire identified flora (mainly early-flowering plants or species of disturbed territories). Other representatives (biennials and perennials-biennials) play an insignificant role in meadow park flora. 96 species (29,9% of the investigated fraction of flora) do not form underground modifications of shoots. Underground modifications of shoots are formed by 38,2% of meadow representatives of the park flora. By the type of aboveground shoots, half-rosette plants (157 species) predominate in the meadow park flora of Poltava. The second largest group is formed by unrosette plants (145 species). The proportion of rosette plants among the identified species in parks did not exceed 10,0%. According to the type of vegetation process, the majority of plants of the meadow park flora belongs to summer-green species that determine species composition, structure, productivity and fodder quality of meadow lands. By the type of biomorphs, herbaceous polycarpics predominate (almost two thirds of all species). About one third of species are monocarpic species. Their distribution is due to the influence of the thermal factor and the presence of disturbed areas. Thus, the bimorphological structure of the meadow component of the park flora of Poltava is typical of meadow phytocoenoses of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

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