
The monograph is devoted to the foreign policy of Ancient Rome during the period of the kings and the early Republic. The paper draws attention to the fact that at these stages of its development, Rome did not create a state in the modern sense, but rather a Federation, and with a developed self-government of its participants. Thanks to a system of mutually beneficial treaties, Rome became a political center among the peoples of Ancient Italy. At the same time, remnants of tribal relations were preserved in Ancient Rome for a long time. Attention is also paid to the development of military Affairs in Rome. It is noted that in Ancient Rome for a long time there were no defensive walls, which predisposed the Romans to an offensive type of warfare. The Romans created battle tactics that would be consistent with the characteristics of the soldiers ' weapons and would allow for rapid military training among recruits, which provided the Romans with high mobilization capabilities. However, classically represent the soldier in the Lorica of segmentata in the tsarist period was not. An important role in the development of Rome as the center of international politics of Ancient Italy, the center of the Federation was played by the high moral standards postulated by the ancient Roman society and invested in the concept of the Republic. All these diplomatic, ethical, and military features of Ancient Rome combined to determine the success of Roman civilization. However, it is worth noting that the disorganization of these principles caused the fall of Rome. For anyone interested in the historical processes of Ancient Italy and Ancient Rome.

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