
Goal. To study the influence of fertilizer system and crop rotation structure of corn and other commercially attractive crops with the different share of saturation on their productivity and economic feasibility in reclaimed lands of Polissia zone. Methods. Long-term field — stationary experiment, laboratory — to determine the quality of the soil according to generally accepted methods, processing of experimental data was performed using the computer program Microsoft Office Excel. Results. It was noted that during the research of 2016–2020, on the sod-podzolic soil there was a shortage of moisture during the growing season of crops. It was found that the total productivity of crop rotations depended on their saturation with corn, the grain yield of which, on average for 5 years, at different levels of organomineral nutrition, was 6.04–7.67 t/ha. The highest yield per 1 ha of crop rotation area was obtained in 3-field crop rotation (soybean-corn-corn) with 66.6% of corn: grain units — from 3.14 tons in control to 6.05 tons — at high rates of mineral fertilizers (N62P86K90 + by-products), feed units — from 3.41 to 6.59 tons, respectively. Productivity of 3-field (peas-winter triticale-corn) and 4-field (lupine-winter rape-winter rye-corn) crop rotations with a share of corn of 33.3 and 25.0%, ranged from 2.43 to 4.52 tons of grain, or from 2.68 to 5.44 tons of feed units, respectively. Crop rotation without corn (soybean-winter wheat-sunflower-buckwheat) with a share of winter wheat and sunflower of 25%, had lower overall productivity (15–93%). The largest harvest was obtained on the background of N63P85K90 + by-products — 3.20 tons of grain or 3.56 tons of feed units. Conclusions. Application of litter manure in the amount of 10 tons per 1 ha of crop rotation area against the background of the recommended rate of mineral fertilizers N42P57K60 provides profitability of crop rotations at the level of 25.4–30.7%. Replacement of manure by by-products of all crops in combination with the recommended norms of mineral fertilizers does not significantly reduce the productivity of crop rotations and provides profitability of 27.9–36.5%.


  • В умовах відсутності в господарствах тваринницької галузі, для вирішення питання дефіциту азоту в дерново-підзолистих ґрунтах, треба максимально насичувати сівозміни бобовими культурами, використовуючи їх побічну продукцію на органічні доб­ рива та сіяти сидерати [9]

  • Ної продукції всіх культур сівозміни за їх поєднання з рекомендованими нормами мінеральних добрив (N42P57K60), що істотно не знижує продуктивність сівозміни та забезпечує рентабельність на рівні 27,9 – 36,5%

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2,11 2,33 2,98 2,92 3,20 0,39 мінеральних добрив (N42P57K60) за умови заміни підстилкового гною побічною продукцією, знизилася всього на 2 – 9,2%.

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