
The article considers the following issues: to determine the system of factors influencing the forms of financing educational activities; to analyze the state and prospects of development of the educational cluster to facilitate access to funding for the implementation of state policy in the field of education at the local level. For effective educational activity in Ukraine it is necessary to be able to properly perform the functions of control over the financial, organizational, technical, methodological, information support of the development of the educational sphere by the authorized bodies. The sign of progressive transformations should be the creation of conditions to meet the needs of education, improving the system of mechanisms for state regulation of educational activities, intensifying cooperation between educational institutions and the private sector, as well as improving the quality of education and the use of educational technologies, tools and resources. and states. Educational activity of Ukraine needs qualitative changes for realization of administrative processes, in particular transformation of structure of local governments, their orientation on increase of level of competitiveness of all key links of region (territory). Ukraine's integration into the world educational space requires constant improvement of the national education system, search for effective ways to improve the quality of educational services, testing and implementation of innovative pedagogical systems, real equal access of all its citizens to quality education, modernization of education and its organization adequately to world trends and requirements. labor market, ensuring continuity of education and lifelong learning. As world experience shows, education and society are inseparable, which is a single system. And if the conditions and factors directly related to the formation of the individual, his cultural and spiritual and moral development are subject to reform and restoration, then the indispensable means of such development is education and everything connected with it. One of the most important directions of the country is the priority development of the educational sphere, for many countries it has been, is and remains a strategic point of growth, as it creates an effective, powerful investment resource – human potential. The state and prospects for the development of the educational cluster are analyzed to facilitate access to funding in the implementation of state policy in the field of education at the local level. The results of the development of control and stabilization financial mechanisms are summarized, with the help of which the state will take on some of the risks and demonstrate its own level of confidence in the effectiveness of using an open educational system, while leaving no room for abuse of state support. A mechanism for targeted control of the development of the infrastructure of the educational information space at the local level has been built. Educational policy is based on the relationship between the systems of state and public administration, thanks to their effective interaction, they contribute to the development of educational systems. Implementation, modernization and operation of educational research infrastructures; the formation of the committee; creation of financial support instruments for the participation of educational research infrastructures in international associations of educational research infrastructures.

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