
In the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the main task of a modern secondary school is the education of conscious citizens of Ukraine, providing conditions for creative self-realization and self-determination of the individual. Changes and updates of the educational paradigm bring teachers to a modern understanding of the educational process as an activity based on self-development, self-improvement and their pedagogical support. It involves subject-object interaction in the educational space of the secondary school. One of its important components is the pedagogical conditions, compliance with which depends on the effectiveness of achieving the educational goal. The study of this problem is carried out in several areas: the role of pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of the personality of both the teacher and the subject to which the learning process is directed; organization, activation and modernization of subject training. The analysis allows us to state that the modern understanding of the concept of "pedagogical conditions" is complicated by the variety of research areas of scientists. Analysis of pedagogical, psychological and philosophical scientific literature shows that the problem of substantive and substantive analysis of the concept of pedagogical conditions is considered by scientists from different aspects. In the context of our study, we define pedagogical conditions as features of the organization of the educational process in a secondary school, which determine the results of upbringing, education and development of the student's personality, objectively ensuring the possibility of achieving them. In the course of our research the levels of pedagogical conditions were determined. Thus, considering the concept of pedagogical conditions in the context of educational activities of a secondary school, we came to the conclusion that pedagogical conditions are a qualitative characteristic of the main factors, processes and phenomena of the educational environment. Research in the direction of development of technologies of creation of optimum pedagogical conditions for the decision of certain problems of educational activity of comprehensive school is perspective.

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