
Specifi cs human capital development as the main factor grouth of Ukraine’s economy The study, as well as the proper provision of the general condition, structure and level of development of human capital, are crucial for the competitiveness, effi ciency and growth of any national economy of any country. In the context of the characteristics of human capital, the issue of defi ning the strategic role and the importance not only of the formation, accumulation, improvement and development of human capital, but also its eff ective and rational use in the interests of our country, is particularly acute. The value of human capital is embodied through education, qualifi cation, knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities (physical and intellectual), experience, a system of motivations, talents (innate or acquired), etc., which are formed by an individual throughout life and are capable of providing payback for its owner. Human capital, according to the defi nition of classical economic theory, is indeed capital, since it is directly used in the production process, is a source of future income and added value, and human is called because its carrier is the individual (man). In a context where natural resources are devalued to some extent, and free access to capital is somewhat restricted, the question of the priority orientation of the state to attract investment in human capital becomes more urgent. After all, investments in human capital make it possible to improve its quality and to ensure positive dynamics of economic development. Conclusions on the economic impact of education and training should help change the state’s approach to the problems of stimulating economic growth and productivity, since investment in human capital is a major contributor to economic growth.It is necessary to identify the factors whose improvement will lead to more effi cient formation and use of this resource. The factors that shape the development of human capital are the result of socio-economic policies pursued by a state. The research methods used in the writing of the article involve the use of general scientifi c and own methods of economic science. In the course of work such research methods as: induction, deduction, dialectic, generalization, concretization, comparison, systematic approach, structural-logical analysis and others were applied. All factors directly depend on the quality, nature, scale, eff ectiveness and timing of the policy pursued by the state in social, demographic, legal and economic spheres. The implementation of the above is entrusted to the appropriate levels of state institutions. Of particular importance both in the formation and in the provision of the necessary conditions for the eff ective use of human capital is the institutional factor. The quality of individual country institutions directly depends on the individual’s use of the potential of his own human capital, his talents, knowledge, skills, experience and experience. Thus, human capital is a specifi c resource, since the person who owns it is both the input and the fi nal vector of the socio-economic development of the state.It is necessary to identify the factors whose improvement will lead to more effi cient formation and use of this resource. The factors that shape the development of human capital are the result of socio-economic policies pursued by a state. The research methods used in the writing of the article involve the use of general scientifi c and own methods of economic science. In the course of work such research methods as: induction, deduction, dialectic, generalization, concretization, comparison, systematic approach, structural-logical analysis and others were applied. All factors directly depend on the quality, nature, scale, eff ectiveness and timing of the policy pursued by the state in social, demographic, legal and economic spheres. The implementation of the above is entrusted to the appropriate levels of state institutions. Of particular importance both in the formation and in the provision of the necessary conditions for the eff ective use of human capital is the institutional factor. The quality of individual country institutions directly depends on the individual’s use of the potential of his own human capital, his talents, knowledge, skills, experience and experience. Thus, human capital is a specifi c resource, since the person who owns it is both the input and the fi nal vector of the socio-economic development of the state.

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