
One of the decisive factors in the modernization of the education system is the creation of a new generation of learning tools that combine the achievements of modern pedagogical science with the powerful didactic capabilities of information technology. Therefore, the problem of implementation of electronic educational resources into the educational process of the elementary school, in particular, electronic textbooks becomes of special urgency nowadays. The article summarizes the results of the analysis of modern scientific literature regarding the requirements for the development of electronic textbooks and the peculiarities of their introduction to the system of general secondary education. The essence of the concept «electronic textbook» has been found out, its features, functions, components, as well as advantages and risks of application in modern educational institutions have been determined. The psychological and pedagogical, methodological and technical requirements for electronic textbooks have been determined and the possibility of their use in the elementary school has been substantiated. The analysis of peculiarities of structural organization, didactic functions and advantages of using electronic textbooks allowed showing their effectiveness in raising the level of interest of students, positive impact on the personal development of children, their qualitative training in the process of learning. The author paid attention to the importance of systematic use of electronic textbooks in the educational process, conducted an analysis of electronic textbooks for pupils of the New Ukrainian School. The article emphasizes the necessity of creating electronic textbooks for a modern school, specifies the concrete steps of the state educational policy in this direction, in particular, the legal regulation of the specified activity, as well as conducting an all-Ukrainian experiment «An Electronic Textbook for General Secondary Education».


  • of the decisive factors in the modernization of the education system is the creation of a new generation of learning tools that combine the achievements

  • in particular, electronic textbooks becomes of special urgency

  • The article summarizes the results of the analysis of modern scientific literature regarding the requirements for the development of electronic textbooks

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СУЧАСНІ ВИМОГИ ЩОДО РОЗРОБКИ ТА ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ ПІДРУЧНИКІВ В ОСВІТНІЙ ПРОЦЕС ПОЧАТКОВОЇ Одним із вирішальних чинників модернізації системи освіти є створення нового покоління засобів навчання, які поєднують досягнення сучасної педагогічної науки з потужними дидактичними можливостями інформаційних технологій. Відтак проблема впровадження у навчальний процес початкової школи електронних освітніх ресурсів, зокрема електронних підручників, набуває сьогодні особливої актуальності.

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