
The article highlights the work of the Ukrainian emigrant artist Robert Lisovsky (1893-1982), a representative of the Narbut school, a master of book, magazine and applied graphics. While the graphic works by Robert Lisovsky published in books, magazines, calendars and publishing stamps are relatively well-studied, his drawings and watercolors are remain lesser known. The analysis of these works could contribute in clarifying the features of the artist's creative method and author's language. Also, it will determine the stylistic and figurative as well as plot-content preferences of the artist. The article outlines the genre range of graphic works created by Robert Lisovsky, which included portraits, landscapes, urban motifs, floristics and still lifes. The authors consider Robert Lisovsky's graphics and make attempt to determine his plastic language are determined. They find out that Robert Lisovsky most often dealt with the landscapes, including the urban ones, as well as the motives of sacral architecture. A peculiar feature of the artistic language of Robert Lisovsky is a free realistic interpretation of nature with the use of rhythmic and generalization techniques. The sweeping expressive bar line and contrasting fillings used by Robert Lisovsky in the Lviv and Prague periods of his work are replaced by a light modeling line and fine hatching in Italian drawings. In the final London period of his work, the artist resorted to several approaches to the interpretation of nature and demonstrated the author's method of transforming a realistic fixation of nature into an artistic image. The article identifies the specifics of the artist's creative method, emphasizes the semantic and stylistic characteristics of his works.


  • The journal is published by the authority of the Academic Senate of the Taras Shevchenko National University

  • The article highlights the work of the Ukrainian emigrant artist Robert Lisovsky (1893-1982), a representative of the Narbut school, a master of book, magazine and applied graphics

  • While the graphic works by Robert Lisovsky published in books, magazines, calendars and publishing stamps are relatively well-studied, his drawings and watercolors are remain lesser known

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ОРИГІНАЛЬНА ГРАФІКА РОБЕРТА ЛІСОВСЬКОГО: ЖАНРОВИЙ ДІАПАЗОН ТА СПЕЦИФІКА АВТОРСЬКОЇ МОВИ Роберт Лісовський (1893–1982), більше півстоліття провів на еміграції, проте його творчий графічний доробок становить невід’ємну частину культурно-мистецької спадщини України. Лісовського є опубліковані у довоєнний період статті-огляди сучасників митця (Січинський, 1927; Антонович, 1935). Лісовського виринає із забуття на початку 1990-х, суголосно із відкриттям персональної виставки, присвяченої 100-річчю з дня народження художника (Львів, 1993).

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