
For the first time the article examines lexical units nominating natatorial and semiaquatic birds in the Khakass language and its dialects. The research material includes 76 lexical units represented in the existing bilingual dictionaries, popular scientific literature and fiction. The researcher’s attention is focused on lexical units nominating birds residing in Khakassia. The paper provides the structural and word formative analysis of these lexical units, identifies the basic motivation features in the process of nomination. The author identifies 6 lexemes tracing their origin to the Turkic pra-form ( турна - *durnja 'crane', хуу - *kogy 'swan', öртек - *еbὕrdek 'duck', хас - *ga:s 'goose', хорды - *kordaj 'heron', аат - *aηyt 'different types of wild ducks: long-tailed duck, scaup duck, roody sheld duck, scoter') and 12 lexemes that are absent in bilingual dictionaries of the Khakass language.

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