
Introduction. Nowadays psychological and pedagogical sciences have a great number of advanced techniques for improving the educational process. The multiplication of the pedagogical diversity of methods and forms of the educational process during the professional training of cadets over time is justified by a number of objective factors. Among these determinants is the need for society to be a perfect personality in the sphere of civil protection and life safety, who, in addition to professional improvement, aims to the formation of a high level of national, civic, moral, psychological and professionally personal qualities. Implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies, pedagogical conditions and principles, clear definition of the structure of professionally important moral and psychological qualities of cadets and development of stages of their formation will allow to increase to a considerable extent not only the moral and psychological training of the specialist, but also to unite the interests of the personality, society and state.Purpose. The purpose of the article is to isolate the significant moral and psychological qualities of the cadets and to theoretically explain the specifics of their formation in the process of professional training. Methods. Such theoretical methods of pedagogical research are used in the article: analysis and synthesis for complex consideration of the structure of moral and psychological qualities of cadets; methods of induction and deduction to find out the cause and effect relationships of the process of implementation of pedagogical conditions designed to form professionally significant moral and psychological qualities of the cadet; generalization for theoretical summary of psychological and pedagogical principles of formation of moral and psychological qualities of cadets, which offer different scientific theories, as well as for summarizing the main spheres of demonstration of moral and psychological qualities of the personality during professional activity.Originality. We consider the moral and psychological qualities of cadets as a set of social annd psychological units that influence on the process of personality formation of a cadet and his/her level of professional competence in the course of his / her duties. Among the important moral and psychological qualities of cadets are intellectual, emotional-volitional, communicative, lingual, motorial and mnemonic. The structural components of the cadets’ moral and psychological qualities include cognitive, axiological, technological and active, each of which is connected with the other and at the same time has some autonomy and performs a number of functions. We emphasize the connection of the process of formation of moral and psychological qualities of cadets with the content of educational process and professional activity, life experience, marital status, level of education, development, education and a number of other factors.Conclusion. The moral and psychological qualities of the cadet’s personality are the specific formation of the spiritual sphere, and their formation in educational establishments is a difficult and main task set by society and explained by the regulatory framework. The effectiveness of the implementation of the mentioned above task depends on its rational organization and planning, the creation of external and internal factors for the development and intensive demonstration of the moral and psychological qualities of future specialists. We see the prospect of further research in this area in the in-depth study of issues related to improving the indicators of moral and psychological development and the formation of the cadets readiness to use moral norms and values in their professional activity.

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