
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of the readiness of future bachelors of physical education and sports for the organization of leisure and recreational activities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem, the definition of the term “pedagogical conditions” and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of future bachelors of physical education and sports to organize recreational activities. A study of the current state of readiness formation of future bachelors of physical education and sports for the organization of leisure and recreational activities confirmed the need to search and highlight the pedagogical conditions of readiness formation. By pedagogical conditions we understand the factors that are subjectively created or objectively exist as factors in the effectiveness of the phenomenon being studied. The preparation of future bachelors of physical education and sports depends on the pedagogical conditions for the organization of educational activities, the choice of special tools, methods, and forms of training. This will contribute to the development of professional qualities of the individual, perseverance, determination, responsibility, critical thinking. In our study, these factors are associated with the study of the process of formation of the readiness of future bachelors of physical education and sports for the organization of leisure and recreational activities. The introduction of pedagogical conditions is a certain sequence of steps, actions that we performed to create readiness. We believe that the presented set of pedagogical conditions ensures the effectiveness of the formation of future bachelors of physical education and sports for the organization of leisure and recreational activities. And it is precisely a complex built on the principle of mutual complementation, where each of the components individually is aimed at solving particular problems, and only their integration allows us to systematically develop the necessary personality qualities and skills. Implementation of the whole complex of pedagogical conditions ensuring the effectiveness of the formation of the readiness of future bachelors of physical education and sports to organize leisure and recreational activities by means of physical education and recreation will allow the future bachelor of physical education and sports to be successful and achieve positive results in professional activities.

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