
Purpose: to present a systematic analysis of the parameters of sustainable development of the coal-mining region (on the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass) in the light of the growing environmental problems and the strengthening of external shocks. Methods: the methods of comparative analysis, grouping, and analogy were used that were implemented on the basis of the data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being. Results and discussion: identified in the course of the analysis, the problems of a technological, scientific, educational, social nature in the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass, having a pronounced tendency to increase, are due to the specifics of the functioning of the region, which is manifested in the consolidation of the raw materials orientation against the background of the curtailment of the scale of the processing sector, and in it – high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries, degradation of cultural and educational values, often neglect of environmental and moral norms, as well as the formation of consumer behavior of business owners. All this together determines the growth of existing environmental threats, and also determines the high susceptibility of the regional economy to the impact of increasingly emerging external challenges, the main of which is the high volatility of export prices for coal. In the context of a deteriorating environmental situation in coal-mining regions, their sustainable socio-economic development should be determined by the increasing role of social, scientific, innovative and cultural and educational determinants in the context of the regulatory parameter – environmental feasibility and safety. Thus, a positive impact on the sustainable development of an industrial region can be ensured by the deployment of cultural and educational activities, which, in turn, activates scientific and innovative development, creating prerequisites for the diversification of industrial production and, as a result, the growth of social well-being through changes in the social structure and structure. employment. In turn, the improvement of social well-being, the quality of life of the population determines stable trends towards an increase in economic efficiency, forming a stable demand for innovative products and technologies. Reverse processes contribute to the development of trends of a degenerative type, characterized by the primitivization of industrial production, an increase in the share of low-skilled labor, which breaks the positive chain of ensuring sustainable economic development, contributing to the deterioration of environmental conditions. Conclusions: the article presents a systematic analysis of the parameters of sustainable development of the economy of the coal-mining region (on the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass). As the main input parameters, the authors consider: economic efficiency, social well-being, scientific and innovative development, cultural and educational activities, the action of which is determined through mutual influence, having a positive or negative impact on the development of the region. Taking into account the growing environmental problems in the regions of raw material orientation and their direct impact on all spheres of life, each of the selected parameters is studied in the context of the regulatory parameter – environmental feasibility and safety – the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of coal mining regions.

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