
THE REVIEW OF THE BOOK: Effective Tariff Regulation and Stimulation of Investment in Railway Infrastructure. Collective monograph. Sc.ed. Rezer, S. M. Moscow, VINITI RAN publ., 2014, 368 p. ABSTRACT OF THE BOOK (English text which follows is reproduced with slight corrections from the original book). The book considers problems of effective tariff regulation of the railroads and investment questions in infrastructure of railway transport during an era of globalization of world economy when questions of pricing and tariffs are put in the forefront. Methods of regulation of transport tariffs become the most important factor of development of the competition in Russia and in the world. The book considers questions concerning optimization of investment methods of regulation of tariffs taking into account saved up domestic and international experience, especially in Europe and in Central Asia, experience of reforming of transport and tariffs. The problems presented in the book and ways to solve them were discussed at the 1st International scientific and practical conference «Effective Tariff Regulation and Stimulation of Investments into Infrastructure of Railway Transport» held in October, 2013 in Moscow with participation of representatives of regulators of transport of the countries of Europe, Latin America and Asia. The materials of the Conference formed a basis for preparation of the present monograph. The book is addressed to a wide range of experts, scientists and rail managers from various countries who work in the sphere of regulation of transport. In preparation of materials of the monograph participated: Kirillova A. G., D. Sc.Tech., Federal Tariff Service (FST) of Russia, Rezer A. V., Ph. D. (Econ.), associate professor of MIIT, Ababilova A. V., NP «Guild of Forwarding Agents». Executive Editor was Penyaz I. М., Scientific Employee. The monograph is compiled on the basis of full texts and theses of reports, and presentations of participants of Conference. Reports are published according to the originals received by organizing committee of the Conference. Headings of reports are given in Russian or English languages. Reports are located in the same order as speeches of their order were presented during the Conference.

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