
In the XX century, tourism has become one of those economic sectors that are developing at an accelerated pace. According to the World Trade Organization, in 2022 the revenue from international tourist travel will be 1.9 billion, which is 4 times higher than in 2015. Statistical indicators of the impact of tourism on the economy of foreign countries demonstrate the importance of developing the tourism industry in the global economy and Ukraine particularly. However, it should be noted that despite the coronavirus pandemic, the global tourism industry by the end of 2020 may be short of $210,000,000,000 in revenues. This is the data of a study published by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The development of innovative ways to overcome the crisis created by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry is seen by us as a more detailed study of the organization of tourism services in the planning system of tourism enterprises. The above-mentioned aspect demonstrates the relevance of the topic and indicates the need for a detailed study of this issue. The study of theoretical and methodical aspects concerning the process of organization of tourist services in the planning of tourist enterprises has been carried out in the article. In particular it is noted that tourism occupies a special place in the system of branches of national economy and sphere of services. The concept of “tourist service” is analyzed and its key components are outlined. It is established that the formation of tourist services is significantly influenced by different components of the tourism industry. The definition of the notion of “tourism industry component” is given and the categorical factors that is forming tourist services are highlighted. The interdependence of economic relations and the sequence of technological operations on the basis of which the process of planning of tourist enterprise activity has to be realized have been determined. It has been specified that all subsystems of a tourist enterprise should correspond in their quantitative and qualitative composition to the needs of a certain territory in providing the necessary assortment and volume of tourist services. It is noticed that in the process of organization and realization of tourist services considerable attention should be paid to the quality criterion.

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