
Nowadays, in society, an increase in the volume of information and unrestricted access to it requires an adequate level of information perception culture, hence the education of a competent media consumer, the formation of his personal media culture. The question of the formation of individual media culture among the readers of the medical press is not sufficiently highlighted in the scientific and methodological literature, which predetermined the choice of the topic of research.The article analyzes the concept of media culture in the information society and its interrelation with the general, informational and communicative culture. The components of media culture are defined — media awareness and media literacy. The composition of popular newspapers and medical magazines of 2019 are considered, the classification characteristics for their division.The purpose of the article is to determine the essence, specificity of the culture of perceiving media texts of popular medical issues, and to characterize such publications. The study of the culture of media perception of periodicals on medical topics deepens and clarifies the theory of social communications, provides practical material for theoretical generalizations.The publications are analyzed in the presence of different formats — only printed editions or printed editions and their electronic analogues. Great value and demand among readers have platforms where you can quickly exchange information, receive answers to questions, expert advice.On the subject are singled out one-level and various-mathematical publications. According to the linguistic feature, only Ukrainian-language publications and those published in several languages (Russian, English and German), or only in Russian, are highlighted. The thematic content of the publications is determined, it is accentuated on their cognitive and educational functions.The types of media consumers are indicated by the level of perception of information and the development of media culture. The stages of perceiving media texts of the non-specialized press on medical topics are generalized and systematized.The motivation for the consumption of media products is described. Problems in media perception are encountered by readers of popular medical issues. It is noted that the result of conscious perception of the content and form of media texts is changes in the outlook of media consumers, their emotions and behavior. It is about development: self-knowledge, self-education, self-education of media consumers in order to regulate their own health; communicative abilities, realized in the creation of their own media text; creative expression.The problems of information culture in popular editions of medical subjects (inaccurate interpretation of certain problems, representation of hypotheses as established facts, manipulation of the consciousness of readers), which adversely affect the media perception of readers are revealed.


  • Тому масовий читач звертається до популярних медичних видань, у яких у простій та зрозумілій формі є відповіді на актуальні запитання

  • Результати впливу популярних видань медичної тематики на масового читача залежать від рівня особистісної медіакультури

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Брак культури сприймання інформації потребує виховання компетентного читача, формування його особистісної медіакультури. Що стосується питань здоров’я, у популярних виданнях медичної тематики, з одного боку, покладає велику відповідальність на ЗМК за культуру передання інформації, з іншого — потребує розвитку у пересічного читача розвиненого медіасприймання, критичного осмислення великих потоків інформації, уміння вибирати потрібну, корисну інформацію для задоволення власних потреб. Питання формування індивідуальної медіакультури у читачів преси медичної тематики недостатньо висвітлено у науковометодичній літературі, що зумовило вибір теми дослідження.

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