
Introduction. An important indicator of knowledge of language norms is the correct use of punctuation. Since a sentence is a means of forming and expressing thoughts, the correct punctuation is directly related to the processes of thinking and speaking. Punctuation literacy is of particular importance for a media text, as its main task is to communicate truthfully and clearly to recipients the information that interests them. Journalists do not always treat such speech in good faith, ignoring the current punctuation rules or not following the rules due to their ignorance. Therefore, deviations from punctuation rules can negatively affect the content of the message and prevent the author from achieving a communicative goal. The source base of the research was journalistic texts of online publications of national and regional significance ("Ukrainian Truth", "Doba"). The purpose of the study is to scientifically describe punctuation abnormalities in online media, identify the most typical of them and point out the main misconceptions. Results. Examining the texts of the analyzed online publications, we came to the conclusion that their authors make punctuation errors, which can be divided into three groups. The first group of such anomalies are errors associated with the lack of the necessary punctuation. In particular, in simple complex sentences, the authors do not separate with commas: applications with the meaning of exclusion, beginning with the words except, except; parenthesis; circumstances expressed by adverbial inflections; circumstances expressed by adverbial inflections. In complex sentences, in particular complex ones, commas are not placed on the border between their parts. Typical violations of the punctuation norm in the analyzed materials are the absence of a paired punctuation mark in the middle of the sentence when: insert words; separate applications; comparative inversions. The second group of punctuation errors recorded in online publications are regulations related to the unjustified use of punctuation marks where they are not provided by the rules. The third group of punctuation deviations in online publications includes errors related to the improper use of one punctuation mark instead of another. Thus, it is established that the authors of online media are overly enthusiastic about the use of dashes, replacing them with other punctuation marks. Conclusion . In the course of the research we came to the conclusion that the authors of these media often violate punctuation rules, making three main groups of errors: lack of proper punctuation, use of such characters outside the rules, non-normative replacement of one character with another. We see the prospect of the study in studying the impact of online publications on the speech culture of readers.

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