
The article is devoted to the study of the role of public-private partnership in ensuring the infra-structural recovery of the country's economy. The presence of the leading role of the appropriate finan-cial mechanism in the process of practical implementation of public-private partnership among the pos-sible areas of its application is substantiated. It was emphasized that the economy of the country during the military aggression has a significant need to ensure infrastructure restoration, stabilization of the processes of economic and social development, the provision of which requires significant amounts of financial resources. Based on the generalization of existing approaches to the interpretation of the es-sence of the "financial mechanism" category, the author's interpretation of the "financial mechanism of public-private partnership" category is proposed as a system of building financial relations between state authorities and private partners regarding the formation, distribution and use of financial re-sources aimed at the implementation of joint interests in relevant projects, ensuring the formation of conditions for effective functioning of the national economy.The specified author's approach made it possible to single out the leading role of the financial mechanism of the public-private partnership in ensuring the effective functioning of the national econ-omy. An author's approach to the construction of a financial mechanism for the development of public-private partnership in Ukraine with a specification of proactive direction for a long-termperiod is pro-posed.It is substantiated that in order to properly function the financial mechanism for the development of public-private partnership in the country, it is extremely necessary to ensure at the legislative level a guarantee to its participants of clear compliance with the terms of existing and future agreements of this cooperation, the establishment of additional state guarantees for projects aimed at restoring critical infrastructure. It is noted that the authorities should ensure the provision of full support at all stages of project implementation, the formation of a system of measures aimed at compliance with the terms of the existing public-private partnership agreement by all its participants. The key consequences of the introduction of the financial mechanism for the development of public-private partnership are deter-mined.

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