
The relevance of the research is in the need to study the features of personal value orientations in the process of studying at the university as modern students will become the main productive force and their values will largely determine society’s axiologi-cal priorities in the nearest future. The purpose of the study is to reveal the age-specific significance and availability of terminal values depending on the gender of students in adolescence and early adult-hood. The reliable differences in the significance of terminal values are revealed in the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. According to the respondents, friendship is more important value during youth, and health, financially secure life, self-confidence become more important in early adult-hood. It is established that during maturity the structure of value orientations becomes more har-monious. The content of internal vacuums, localiza-tion and degree of expression of internal conflicts at different stages of age development are determined. The revealed differences between young men and women in the significance and availability of termi-nal values specific to adolescence and early adult-hood can be caused by gender roles. Modern stu-dents have both general and specific features in the structure of value orientations due to the influence of their age and gender. The disharmony in the structure of value orientations in adolescence due to the discrepancy between the significance and avail-ability of terminal values actualizes the need to in-troduce psychological and pedagogical support for the process of self-determination of students in various spheres of life activity in the educational process of higher education.

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